

2024 Call

Information conditional on the final approval of the bases and the call for"Impulsem el Que Fas" subsidy program by the Government Commission of Barcelona City Council and its publication in the BOPB, provided that no allegations have been presented during the established public information period.

2024 call

In Barcelona Activa we are working on the 2024 call for the annual grant program "Impulsem el Que Fas". It is foreseen that during the second half of July, the guidelines and the call for proposals will be published in the BOPB (The Official Bulltin of the Province of Barcelona) and also on this website.

The estimated application period, pending final confirmation, will be from early September to mid-October 2024 or until the budget is exhausted.

This 8th edition maintains the six modalities:

Modality 1: Amunt Persianes (Rise the Shutters)
Modality 2: Socioeconomic Innovation and Social and Solidarity Economy in strategic sectors and at the territorial level
Modality 3: Promotion of quality employment in the territory
Modality 4: Responsible and sustainable tourism
Modality 5: Sustainable food and responsible consumption
Modality 6: Last-mile urban goods distribution centres

In addition, several new features are also incorporated:

  • It will become non-competitive, and therefore will not require comparative evaluation with other proposals. The granting will be subject to meeting the required conditions for the applicant, both individual and for legal entities, the activities to be financed, and the availability of budget.
  • Each of the six modalities will be eligible for a catalogue of actions.
  • Changes regarding the application procedure.

We recommend consulting the application guide and attending the information sessions scheduled for July to learn about the main new features of this call, the main characteristics of each modality, and the procedure for applying for the grants.